Mandarin Spawn now in paint mode...

I've spent this long building it... (well, off and on for the last 10 months) - I'm going to take my sweet time painting it. Hopefully it'll all be worth it when it's done...
The scheme will match the shield, which I painted last winter... a series of blues, purples, metallics blue and purple, and black, along with silver accents. It'll be different from any other Mandarin custom I've seen to date, that's for sure..., it'll move and stuff.
PS - paint rub is proving to be a royal bitch on this one... I didn't take the new shoulders into account when I built it... it's a really tight fit. When the base coat dries on the shoulders (I'm painting it in pieces), I'll do the old superglue trick... hopefully I can pull that off without messing anything up.
Stay tuned...
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