Takin' a day...

Plus, it's my birthday, so it seemed like a perfect excuse. I don't have any big plans, and didn't when I requested the day off a few weeks back, and that makes it even nicer.
Sitting at home offers too many distractions, and I'd probably just sit around and play video games all day, and then tonight I would feel like I wasted my day. So I'm at Beaner's, enjoying the free wi-fi, catching up with some things I have been wanting to do for a while (including making an update to this here blog, and working on the Design Lab website.)
It would be nicer if the only good seat available was underneath a speaker, and the music of the morning here is apparently "Annoying International Warbling." Luckily, I brought my iPod and noise-cancelling headphones... so I am listening to the Free Beer and Hot Wings podcast, with a hint of what I think are accordians and bagpipes (simultaneously) in the background, intermingled with loud frothing milk noises. I think I'm going to have to switch to music soon to drown everything out. I think I'll crank out some Arctic Monkeys... I'm sort of hooked on their songs these days...
It's kinda neat to be sitting here, away from home, and still be able to surf the web and use a computer... and I'm really digging this whole Mac thing. While I'll never give up my PC at home, I really enjoy using the PowerBook. Mac is certainly doing a lot of things right, that's for sure. It's very intuitive... and in the two weeks or so since I've had this thing, I haven't once had any odd sort of issue installing, configuring, or using a single application. If anything, I'm amazed at how simple it's been, and it makes me nervous... on the PC, even the simplest installation can somehow mysteriously stop working when something else in installed. I like how applications are contained in their own little "capsules" - you just drag the "installations" in a folder, and they run. Holy crap.
I'll be back in a little bit...
Well you neglected to mention yesterday that it was your BIRTHDAY!!!.
and hey -- EVERYTHING is amazingly simple with Mac. Fer instance, printing? No need to install anything-- just insert printer usb, push print and there ya go. (that's until I get an airport hub thingy so I can print wirelessly.) :-)
Enjoy your day!
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