
They're not friendship holidays!!!

My stepson goes to a public charter school, and it's a pretty decent school for the most part.

However, I feel at times as if they are robbing him of valuable childhood dreams, like ones my wife and I have of school growing up, and it is really starting to piss me off.

It's beyond political correctness, and it's beyond nullifying religious overtones in public school.

It started in October. They do not recognize Halloween. The kids do not dress up, they do not have a parade, they do not eat candy or decorate pumpkins. I thought that was a bit weird... but I reasoned that maybe they didn't want to leave some kids out whose parents could not afford costumes or whatever. Regardless, we remember as children dressing up, having a parade in our costumes through all the classrooms, and having little parties. I remember back to kindergarten (and that alone is a huge feat for me), when I wore the Batman costume my Mom made for me. Hell, I still have that costume, and my stepson even wore it a few years back (trick or treating, not at school.)

I got over it, until December. I saw it coming, but of course, they had a small "holiday party." They do not say Christmas, or Chanukah, etc. This is to be understood in public schools nowadays I suppose... and even though I still take issue with it, I accept it more having grown up in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood, and experiencing the same. It didn't piss me off as much as the whole "Holiday Tree" debacle that was in the media.

Now get this. Even though the upcoming Valentine's Day is not a holiday, and I myself am not a huge fan of this manufactured day... you will not believe what they are doing at my stepson's school. They call it "Friendship Day." They don't do Valentines. What the hell?!?!

My wife and I both remember decorating shoebox "mailboxes," that we put on our desks, and then passed out Valentine's Day cards to all our classmates (the only rule was that everyone got one, so no hurt feelings.)

For crying out loud... people need to lighten up! These days are important for kids... because they are supposed to be FUN and provide a little break in the monotony of learning. They are to be looked forward to, enjoyed, and remembered.

It sort of reminds me of college, but the only holiday we changed like that was in March... I think we called it "Drink Green Beer and Pass Out Wasted Before 10AM Day." Something like that, anyway...


Blogger Karen had this to say...

Poor kids. Friendship day?!! Yes, things are going a little too far to the Politically COrrect. I bet this is happening at all schools. Kids won't have the memories we had because we are too concerned with being politically correct.
Oh well, enjoy your "Friendship day" with your wife. I wonder if Hallmark with come out with Friendship day cards??

2/07/2006 12:20:00 PM  

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