
Winter Weather WTF?

In the past twelve hours here in West Michigan, we have experienced the following weather elements (in this order): sun, rain, freezing rain, hail, thunderstorm (with lightning), a TORNADO watch, more freezing rain, torrential thunderstorm, sleet, and most recently (and currently) snow.

According to my calculations, the next event should be locusts.

The televesion tickers are announcing the numerous schools and facilities that are already closed for tomorrow... but since I do not attend any of these, I can only look forward to a fun-filled adventure into work come 8am. Granted, my office is only twenty minutes away from my home, so it's not a horrible drive... but our last winter storm almost tripled my commute time.

Although, at this current pace, I may wake up to a tropical heat wave.

I really hope I'm wrong about the locusts though. Driving through them for twenty minutes would be both crunchy and disgusting.


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