Credit Where Credit is Due
As many of you know, when I take photographs of my figures, I like to make them more visually appealing. Instead of taking them on plain backdrops in my lightbox, I like to hang a backdrop that accents or contrasts the color of the piece I am shooting. When I do this, I use many resources... from patterns I create in photoshop, photographs I have taken and blown up, etc.
This technique has always been done blindly, often using images that I have saved over the years in my "creative inspiration" folder I have on my PC. This is my collection of images I have saved off the Internet from many places, and turn to to look at when I want to get my creative juices flowing, or just want to admire the fine works of others.
What I humbly failed to do, however, is realize that when I use a backdrop that is part of a copyrighted work of art by a talented individual, that I may be violating copyrights that individual may hold on the piece.
It was brought to my attention that some of my photos for my Protoform Optimus Prime (which as I mentioned in an earlier post had exploded across the Internet) used a copyrighted work of art. The piece in question is titled "Absence of Vision" by an artist by the name of Vitaly S. Alexius. Ironically, my own absence of vision did not verify the origin of the image I had saved and printed as the backdrop, and failed to give Mr. Alexius proper due.
I have updated my Flickr photos containing this image with proper credit. I also wish to extend, publicly, my sincerest apologies to Vitaly, and state that I had no intentions of exploiting his beautiful artwork for any personal gain. I am greatly humbled by this, and as an artist myself, I am ashamed for having the foresight to use uncredited material.
I have learned from this mistake, and will make every attempt to ensure this does not happen again.
That all being said, I have talked via email with Mr. Alexius, and he has been very gracious in understanding the situation.
I urge you all to visit his website at, and take a look at his amazing works of art, and commission him for your projects!
This technique has always been done blindly, often using images that I have saved over the years in my "creative inspiration" folder I have on my PC. This is my collection of images I have saved off the Internet from many places, and turn to to look at when I want to get my creative juices flowing, or just want to admire the fine works of others.
What I humbly failed to do, however, is realize that when I use a backdrop that is part of a copyrighted work of art by a talented individual, that I may be violating copyrights that individual may hold on the piece.
It was brought to my attention that some of my photos for my Protoform Optimus Prime (which as I mentioned in an earlier post had exploded across the Internet) used a copyrighted work of art. The piece in question is titled "Absence of Vision" by an artist by the name of Vitaly S. Alexius. Ironically, my own absence of vision did not verify the origin of the image I had saved and printed as the backdrop, and failed to give Mr. Alexius proper due.
I have updated my Flickr photos containing this image with proper credit. I also wish to extend, publicly, my sincerest apologies to Vitaly, and state that I had no intentions of exploiting his beautiful artwork for any personal gain. I am greatly humbled by this, and as an artist myself, I am ashamed for having the foresight to use uncredited material.
I have learned from this mistake, and will make every attempt to ensure this does not happen again.
That all being said, I have talked via email with Mr. Alexius, and he has been very gracious in understanding the situation.
I urge you all to visit his website at, and take a look at his amazing works of art, and commission him for your projects!
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