Guess who learned a new trick?

Now, I was the first one home, and no one has been home all day... and I left last. I froze, with a plethora of horrible scenarios running through my head as to where the sound could be coming from... visions of flooding basements, destroyed ceilings and floors, thousands of dollars in bills...
My first hope was that it was just the dishwasher running. Again, no one at home all day, no timer on the thing, and it only runs for like an hour, so not that...
I finally dropped everything I was holding, and began to run around the ground floor, looking for the source... and it turned out to be the bathtub. Yeah, the bathtub water was running, at full pour. It was the hot dial, which was now running cold, so it had been going for a while (at least 20 gallons of wasted water).
Well, we knew our resident shithead, Jesse James, likes to play in the tub for some reason. My only guess is that he must have hit the knob on his entry or exit leap into the tub...
...and it must have scared the crap out of him, since he has been avoiding the bathroom all night. Guess we need to keep that door closed during the days now...
Saw the premeire of My Name is Earl tonight. Not too bad of a show... I'll be keeping that in my new fall schedule, along with The Office, which is on right afterwards. If you haven't seen The Office, I can't recommend it enough. It's the U.S. version of the UK show of the same name... but it has Steve Carell, and it's one of the funniest shows on television today.
...And The Apprentice starts Thursday! The Donald, not the Martha (I would rather eat my own toes, fresh off my foot, than watch anything with Martha Stewart in it.)
At least my Thursdays will be complete again... Survivor at 8, Apprentice at 9 - with a Jet's pizza at hand... just the way God intended it...
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