Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog...

The iPod, however, remains fantastic. I just got an FM modulator for it, so I can now enjoy my loaded catalog over my car radio... and that friggin' rocks (pun not intended, but I'll pretend it was.)
I've been feeling a little empty that I haven't done a lot of customizing of anything lately, especially after making a trip to Captain Ron's house... where he has been tinkering away at some fine projects. It fired up my creative ADD, so I have been whirring away on the dremel the past couple nights. What's that you ask? Dremel? You thought I was painting the Mandarin Spawn you say? Well, that's the curse of the aforementioned creative affliction I have... new idea, new project. I'll come back to the other stuff after I've started a few more projects... Sometimes I go backwards before I go forwards, but then sometimes I go forward, only to go backwards. And sometimes I just sort of tread water...
Seriously though, I have to finish up some of these things I started... it's getting messy down here.... and cluttered. I hate clutter. Clutter makes my brain angry.
I also have another task awaiting my attention... there is a GIANT pile of action figures upstairs that I have set aside to sell. It'll be nice to free up some space, and make a few bucks (hopefully) in the process. Fret not, it's not nearly my whole collection... just getting rid of some multiples, and some others I've grown tired of or can't figure out why I got in the first place. I'll post a link when I put stuff out on the 'Bay... in case you feel the need to assimilate some of my collection into yours, for example... or have the need for a a six inch sculpture of a mostly naked bloody guy hanging from hooks, with an mutant baby-laden sac protruding from him, for example. Or a robot. I have both...
I should probably get to bed, it being 2:30am and all. Good thing I don't have to go into the office tomorrow (working from home while they are doing some expanding of our office space). I can sit at my PC in my jammies all day! And come Monday, I'll finally have a real cubicle - not a temporary station, as I have been at for the last month. Very cool. I can even decorate it... but not with the six inch sculpture of a mostly naked bloody guy hanging from hooks, with an mutant baby-laden sac protruding from him. So please buy it from me.
PS - Does the title of this post confuse you? Read it backwards...
The last month??? You've been gone a month already? Wow!
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