
I can't think of a witty title for this post...

Alas, this past weekend, the snow all melted... leaving piles of wet leaf humps littered around our house. Still unable to clean them up, it doesn't appear that I'll be getting rid of them this holiday weekend... as round two is supposedly on its way tomorrow. We're supposed to get 1-3" of snow, and as I mentioned in my last post, means we should expect about a foot. Woo hoo.

I did notice a ton of houses in my neighborhood put up a lot of Christmas decorations this past weekend too... although some had put them up while taking down their Halloween paraphernalia. We have a general rule in our house: not until AFTER Thanksgiving... which means we will become festive this coming weekend.

Had an eventful couple of days since my last post. On Sunday, I woke up.. and had apparently decided to do some major cleaning while I slept. My wife reminded me of this shortly after I got up. It seems the toy collection has been taking up quite a bit of room in my half of the attic space, and has left the Lab in quite a clutter (not helped by the moving of stuff around since the flood). I had been meaning to do some organizing for a while anyhow. It seems my collection has simply grown to capacity. So... nine hours later, I have gone through all my storage boxes, and set aside a quite significant pile of figures to sell. So in the weeks to come, I'll be doing some ebaying... while making some revenue and much-needed space in the process.

My wife and I celebrated our second anniversary on Monday. Two years. It seems like much longer, but I don't mean that in a bad way at all. It just seems we've gone through a lot these past couple years, with turmoil in employment to minor home catastrophes... and your normal marriage issues. I don't have any complaints, and wouldn't change a thing.

I found it a bit humorous though in perspective... last year, for our first anniversary, we dressed up and went to a really fancy restaurant, and spent more money on a single meal than we've ever spent on a meal before in our lives. This year, we wore jeans, and had steaks in a restaurant with peanut shells on the floor.

It's not to say we don't care... we were both very happy with the choice. We were comfortable, as we are with each other. Comfort is a good thing... and sometimes, just being comfortable with the one you love is all that matters.

To further illustrate that point, I'll share with you a bit of our conversation of the evening...

I had made mention that adding the word "ass" in front of other words makes them much more funny. For instance, earlier in the day I had come up with the word "asscaptain" to describe a fellow motorist on my way home, who had decided that going twenty miles an hour below the speed limit was perfectly acceptable behavior. I shared this word with my wife, as well as some others that I had come up with that day... including "asspilot," and "assbandit" (an old favorite). She then came up with a great one: "assfritters."

We then made "assfritters" a running joke of the evening, and I even dared her to ask the waitress to bring us a steaming plate of assfritters (which she declined to do.) On the way home we came up with a bunch more, randomly selecting words we saw on buildings and sign to add to our humor-inducing prefix.

Some others we came up with: assvacuum (which does invoke quite disturbing imagery), assburger, assgremlin (another new favorite of mine), and asscanal (which can be used in several very literal manners as well.)

God... I love her.

PS - I know you're doing it now too. Feel free to post your creative asswords!


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