
Podcasting killed the radio star...

To clarify my previous post, it wasn't all whining and begging that got the early Christmas present... there was a level of bribery as well.

In exchange for MY gift early, my wife got hers early as well. Part of it was a remote car starter that got put in a few weeks ago for the winter months... the other part being an XM radio receiver for her car... so it wasn't all selfish. And I don't care that I'll have nothing to open on Christmas morning... being an adult, that magic is pretty much gone in my own heart now. The joy is watching my stepson open his presents now (which we will be doing on Christmas Eve this year, since we take turns each year with his father for Xmas day.)

Anyhow, the iPod does indeed rock. The video quality is amazing, as is the sound. I use it all the time, and I already have about 32 of the 60 gigabytes full of multimedia (last I checked on iTunes, it equalled about 29.2 days worth of entertainment.)

I am now also hooked on podcasts. No, you don't need an iPod or even iTunes to enjoy these... they are to today's media what ham or underground radio once was. Essentially, any idiot with a PC and a microphone can have a "radio show..." and there are a bajillion (I just counted) of them out there. There's a ton of crap... but lots of jems. I subscribe to about 20 of them now... from tech talk ones to just plain hilarity... these are loads of fun. I'll share my favorites in future posts.

If I had the time (as it stands, I barely have time for any of my other dozens of hobbies), I'd even give the podcasting thing a whirl myself. In all honesty though, I'd probably only get around to making one or two a year though... and even then, they'd just be laden with excuses on why I never have time to podcast...

...much like this blog has gotten to be.

I'll work on that. I promise.

-- R.I.P. Richard Pryor. A legend of Comedy is lost. :(


Blogger Karen had this to say...

OK. Now you have made me feel like a slacker. I only have 800 songs on my ipod video and it is not enough. I have yet to download a video. but I am tempted to download all episodes of the office. : )

12/13/2005 12:52:00 PM  

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