O Christmas Tree... What a Pain You Are to Me...

I assembled the tree last week... yes, ASSEMBLED (real trees, while nice smelling, are for sadists.) It's a new fake tree, a hand-me-down from the folks since they went with a "slimmer" fake tree this year. I will admit, it's pretty nice for a fake tree... and puts our old "Charlie Brown" fake tree we had the last two years to shame.
This did, however, mean I had to make a quick run to Target for more lights... as this one took about 9 stands total. And holy crap was it a pain in the ass.
The decorating committe consisted of my wife and stepson (I build and light)... and it looks quite nice. We don't do the multi-colored rainbow light thing, nor the basic all white... we go with a simle red and white scheme. All the ornaments are reds, silvers, chromes, etc. It's pretty stunning... and I like it.
I have also spent an enormous amount of time organizing my MP3 collection in anticipation for my iPod. iTunes is pretty cool, and it feels nice to be organized. I did realize that I have an incredible amount of music too... several hundred gigabytes total. I'm about a sixth of the way through them...
And I'm hooked on this stupid game. It's like crack, I tell ya.
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