It's like a whole 'nother year, all over again...

Before 2005 completely fades into the blur of all of the other years in which I cannot recall what the hell I did in them... I ponder upon the year's events, and realize a lot has happened.
- Last year, I had one full-time job that ended when my department was shut down, then spent seven months unemployed, faced against a dry job market. This year, I have worked at five different companies - four contract positions, and now I am salaried once again.
- I no longer hate Macs, and although I do not own one and don't plan to, I have worked on one and liked it, and now own an iPod.
- I turned 30. I now feel pangs inside when purchasing alcohol and do not get carded (what previously was a "cool" thing.)
- My sister gave birth to twin girls... and for the first time, I was exposed babies that I did not grow tired of after a few hours. I love them dearly...
- a result, I no longer fear having a baby... in fact, I am now very anxious for it to happen. This is very new to me.
- I spent an obnoxious amount of time playing games this past year at night in my valuable "free time." Some of this year's favorites included Need for Speed: Most Wanted for PS2, Bookworm, Zuma, Luxor (a different, yet better version of Zuma), Text Twist (my wife and I play this one all the time together), Flip Words, Chuzzle Deluxe, and F.E.A.R., to name a few. This year, I'm hoping to read some more books, too..
- I really only finished one custom this year... Neo from The Matrix. Although I have worked on dozens. I swear I'm going to finish some of these soon...
- As of this mid-2005, I now collect Hot Wheels. Go figure. I honestly never would have saw that one coming. But they're cool... and fun to customize as well. They're also cheaper than action figures... of course, that would only be helpful if I stopped buying action figures... although I seriously have slowed that purchasing WAY down.
- I have begun selling off a good chunk of my action figure collection. I listed six figures last week (I'm going to start off in smaller batches). Four of them sold, for a total of $86. I like the way this is headed. I also have been selling them to some of the artists at the place I got my recent tattoo... and one has offered me a trade for services. I'm tempted. We'll see.
Ah yes, I also spent a couple hours this year doing this. I'll do more blogging this year as well. Especially once I get past that wall of "coming up with something blog-worthy to write about" each day. Maybe I'll invest more effort into my thoughts and become more witty and insightful and humorous. But then you have to tell your friends so I get more readers. Then I can be a bigshot "Indie Blogger," and I can have readers who I won't have time to correspond with, and I can be super popular in geek circles and get my blog listed on some crazy website's "Best Blogs" list. Then I can make T-Shirts and coffee mugs with some crazy logo on it, and when your friends see it, they'll be all like "Yeah that dude's site ROCKS!" We can DO this, people. If that skank ass Paris Hilton can be popular, so can I goddamnit.
Happy New Year, folks. Let's all try not to fuck this up.
Oooh Vince, you're comin' over to the Mac side ... slow but sure!
Happy New Year to you. Great fun blog.
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