
oooo... floaty...

I hate being sick. Whoever invented sick sucks.

Apparently, the viruses made their way into our home, having stowed away in Alex's backpack... and with any virus that seems to be floating around, it turned into what seems to be a sinus infection for me.

What this means is now my eyeballs feel to be floating in a pocket of liquid, leaving me in an "out-of-body," dreamlike state. Which is kinda fun and surreal, all while totally sucking at the same time.

I made the mistake of taking a sinus medicine at lunchtime. There's two major brands, and one works for me, and the other goofs me up. I couldn't recall which one did what, so of course, I ended up getting the one that goofs me up (not my intention, honest). Since I was quickly losing my concentration and ability to construct cohesive sentences, I figured it best that I leave work early and go sleep (especially since my job does require a level of accuracy).

I slept for four and a half hours... that is, in spurts of actual sleeping and my cat Jake meowing and shoving his ass in my face (I still can't figure out why he feels I really need to get a close look at his butthole all the time). I think he was confused, yet happy, that I was home when I normally wouldn't be... so as if to celebrate the occasion - happy cat ass! Fun for him, discerning for me. And quite gross, I may add...

Now the medicine's worn off, but I'm still out of it. And I fear I won't be able to actually sleep tonight.

But I'll be damned if I'm not going to go try.


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