A nose full of goodness...

I also went to Best Buy, to play with the iPod Nano. Man, that thing is just way too cool to not have... but I'm fairly certain my wife would shoot me if I came home with one. I do like the increased capacity of the standard iPod (more is better and gooder, right?), plus it boasts way more accessories, including the wireless thingy so you can play your tunes over your car stereo. But the Nano comes in black, and that looks way cooler than white... I think the regular iPod comes in black, but you have to get the "U2" version... and U2 sucks ass. Either way, I'm not getting one just yet... maybe Santa will bring me one...
Ultimate Spider-Man comes out for PS2 tomorrow... and I think I'm going to have to get it. Judging from what I've seen in the previews and reviews of it, it looks to be quite cool... and the art and style of it alone are unique enough for me to enjoy it, even if it is ridiculously simple and requires the brainpower of a peanut to complete it. But from what I can assess, that will not be the case. However, the lack of thinking part does have its own intrique to it...
The Apprentice starts tonight! I read on starwars.com that this season of The Apprentice will have the candidates pit against each other in marketing challenges selling Battlefront II and the Revenge of the Sith DVDs for their respective releases... and that alone has me geeked. I would just like The Donald to end at least one show with the phrase "You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. You're Fired."
Episode two of Survivor is tonight as well... it's nice to see Stephanie and Bobby Jon back from last season, but I kinda feel (so far at least) that their presence is distracting from getting to know the new cast.
I'd like to be on Survivor one of these days. Although I fear it would make me too famous - as "The first person to ever die on Survivor."
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Jet's Combo #3 to go pick up...
just don't snort that stuff for more than three days ... the magic will be gone!
Of course your wife would shoot you if you brought the Nano home. How else will she get her hands on the Nano!?
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